Tlf./Fax: 934106061 / 934192729
Since 1971, taking care of your nightly rest
VELAMEN, S.A. is a Spanish firm specializing in the manufacture and marketing of textile products for the home.
Thanks to our extensive experience and high degree of specialization, VELAMEN, S.A. meets the requirements of the most demanding customers by offering a product for every need.
VELAMEN, S.A. uses the most advanced textile technologies and is fully committed to innovation, in order to anticipate market needs by encouraging the consumption of high quality household linen.
Our goal is to provide a healthy and satisfying rest.
For this we seek excellence in our production processes, products, organization and image, for example, considers the social, environmental and economic impact of our society and our planet.
The diversity of components for each direction of action in different actions, the choice of the most appropriate element for each specific case.
At Velamen we offer you the most complete and extensive collection on the market, and we want you to understand the function before you can choose the most suitable descent option for your personal needs and tastes.
Heiemtextil Frankfurt
IMM Cologne
Esprit Meuble Paris
Mueble Zaragoza